Angelic Soul Retrieval


Cords are cut within Reiki energy with the love and help of angels and spirit guides.

Let this wonderfully safe and gentle cord cutting service help you achieve your best life.



Angelic Soul Retrieval is a way to reintegrate parts of the soul that may have become disconnected, trapped, or lost through trauma. This soul fragmentation can occur when a person’s individual essence (the soul) undergoes serious trauma, mental or physical abuse, tremendous pain or drama during a lifetime. This then causes that piece of their soul to splinter away. This means that whenever we experience any of the above a part of us splinters away from the hurt and pain in order to escape the full impact of the pain.

Short Checklist of Symptoms

  1. A gap in memory, such as no memory of their lives from ages 7-9 or 12-14.
  2. A shock or emotional jolt. The reaction might be normal for the situation, but for some reasons the part of Self that left fails to return.
  3. Chronic depression for no apparent reason.
  4. Divorce or death can create periods of grief. If a person can’t recover from the emotional trauma of separation, a piece of them might be lost.
  5. Physical illness can also be a symptom of Soul loss.
  6. Numbness, apathy, and emptiness.


Angelic soul retrieval will help recover those fragments of your soul that have been lost, and in recovering these you will start to feel more fulfilled and alive again. Your life will take on more meaning, and you will be able to enter into joyful communication.


After The Angelic Soul Retrieval

After an angelic soul retrieval and the splintered parts of the soul have been returned to you there will be a period of integration, and this can last anywhere from a few days to 2-3 weeks. Everyone is different in the healing process. During this time you may find yourself emotional as old emotions emerge ready to be released. That is natural. You may also find physical symptoms occur. You may experience strong dreams after the soul retrieval process. That is not out of the ordinary. You should take time to process and honour the emotions that arise. They can range from guilt, anger, upset, etc and they may occur suddenly without a trigger. You may find yourselves quite sensitive to the moods and actions of others. If you work or mix with other people it may be a good idea to warn them that you may be clearing for a short time so they will be ready if you have emotional outbursts. Physical sensations following an angelic soul retrieval may include flu-like symptoms or aching, or you may simply just feel very tired. During the week after the soul retrieval session you should drink plenty of water to help the body detox and rest as much as you are able. Some people like to keep a journal during this time as that can help the healing process.

Healing And Understanding

Some people may experience a wholeness very quickly after the angelic soul retrieval. For others the process may take longer.

All angelic soul retrieval sessions are carried out with love and healing from myself and all the angels that assist.

TEL: 07907 824014
based in North Lincolnshire