Cord Cutting


Cords are cut within Reiki energy with the love and help of angels and spirit guides.

Let this wonderfully safe and gentle cord cutting service help you achieve your best life.



Stop negative people stealing your energy!


We all make emotional and energetic connections with everyone we meet. Sometimes, however, that person has a destructive, negative or dysfunctional energy and this can affect us as we are connected with them energetically.


The cords are invisible as they are made of energy, but they still connect us to others. The only way to stop succumbing to the energy of another when it is damaging towards us is to cut the cord of attachment with them.


Sometimes those people that hurt us or damage us the most can be family members, and this can be one of the most difficult cords to cut as we can feel guilty about it. However, in order to grow into your own power, it is important that you are true to yourself first and foremost.


If you recognize some of the symptoms below you will benefit from cord cutting:

  • Crying for no reason you can identify
  • Unable to move on from relationships or situations that are unhelpful
  • Unable to stop obsessing or thinking about someone or their actions
  • Re-running conversations in your mind about a person and what they said
  • Constant feelings of feeling judged or criticised
  • Increased arguments
  • Constant negative memories or emotions
  • Temptation to go back to or stay in a relationship that does not serve you positively
  • Unable to sleep, or have sleep issues
  • Negative feelings of anger, sadness, anxiety, depression etc. about the past
  • Wanting to get revenge
  • Feeling stuck in negative emotional cycles
  • Disinterested in life and feeling as if you are going through the motions
  • Feeling tied to those who have abused you physically, emotionally or sexually


Cord cutting will give you the freedom you need and the space to finally feel empowered as you grow into your own energy. The cord cutting will remove the attachment and dissolve the etheric connection between you. You will feel calmer and more balanced.


Cords are cut within Reiki energy with the love and help of angels and spirit guides.


Cords that are binding can be current or present or in the past.


Let this wonderfully safe and gentle cord cutting service help you achieve your best life.


TEL: 07907 824014
based in North Lincolnshire